Terminations unfortunately are a part of economic reality. It is crucial for companies to navigate this process with a great deal of respect. By Outplacement, we mean a humane, responsible, socially acceptable, and appreciative approach to separating employees, while working to develop new perspectives for those affected. The goal is for both parties – the company and the employee – to benefit from this process.
Avoidance of legal dispute
Good reasons to offer outplacement
Conflict-free separation discussions
Positive perception of the company among the existing staff through the assumption of social responsibility
Prevention of damage to the company's image
Professional and individual support for professional reorientation
Personal and human guidance during a challenging transitional phase
Consultation and assistance with all job application activities
Outplacement also provides employers with opportunities in employer branding
Outplacement process overview
Psychosocial support
Assessment of the current personal and professional status
Development of perspectives and definition of goals
Establishment and implementation of a job application strategy
Preparation for interviews
Strengths-focused counseling and solution-oriented coaching
Outplacement is not just job placement; it offers professional preparation for job searching, thereby improving chances in the competition for available positions."